Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

Here are a few pictures from Memorial Day weekend Ash took. It was BEAUTIFUL and we had a blast!
I hope I can still ski when I'm 61... heck, I would love to be able to ski like him now!
Madeline's new "look" she makes her mouth look like this then scrunches up her nose. Pretty cute... but hey, I think everything she does is pretty cute!

Notice how my skiing picture isn't as good... I prefer to keep my hair dry. :)

Ainsley and Aunt Emmy

Dustin getting some air!

Chelsea likes to keep her hair dry too. :)

hum... maybe it's just a girl thing.

Vienna's first ski run on the "Easy Ski Trainer".

Aaron getting some air!

Don't they look like they could be sisters.


butchers said...

Love all the pictures! Your family has such pretty girls :)

Side note - Ashley's camera took awesome pics....very clear! Does she have one of those close to photographer grade ones or just a digital?

Em and Dust said...

Her camera is a Canon. I'm not sure which one, but it's one of the bigger "photographer like" ones.

thefourofus said...

So much fun! I see years and years of lake pictures in your future..!

butchers said...

BTW - I will most definitely take a copy (or just email it to me)of that close up pic of Madeline...or any other cute picture you have of her. She has changed so much when I look at the pictures I have!

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