Wednesday, January 28, 2009

"The Empty Nesters"

A couple weeks ago after church, Dustin and I decided to sign up for a small group meeting for the series we're doing in church. We decided Monday's would work best for us with Dustin's schooling. There were only 2 meetings on Monday's and one was pretty far from home. So not thinking much of it, we signed up.

Marshall (the leader of the meeting) called me Monday to confirm we were coming and I realized he sounded pretty old. On the way there, I told Dustin that I thought Marshall was older and we joked about how awkward it would be if everyone else was our parents age. As soon as we walked in Marshall told us, "I really think they should tell you the average age of the group when you sign up. We've been together as a group for a while now and we call ourselves "The Empty Nester's". To give you an idea of how old the group really was, Dustin and another man got talking about how he used to work at National Oil and Gas. Dustin told him I bet you know my dad Ked then, he works there. The man (I can't remember his name) said umm... I don't remember a Ked when I was there, I left in about 1958. 1958!!!! Our parents would have been youngsters in this group too.

After everyone's initial shock about age differences, the rest of the night was surprisingly very enjoyable. We're still contemplating seeing if we can switch into another group though.


Grandma Ringger said...

OH MY -- soo sooo funny!!
I could just see Dust's face -- holding back a smirky grin!!
I give you 2 so much credit for going! GOOD JOB!!
Love ya!

butchers said...

I can't wait to hear about how it went. We looked into signing up for one in our zip code that starts next week. Maybe we should check the ages before!!

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